Minggu, 23 Agustus 2009


Harga Pasaran mencapai Rp. 150.000.
Disini anda mendapatkan harga paling murah hanya dengan Rp. 20.000. Benar... Hanya Rp. 20.000 saja.
Dijamin bisa dipakai..

Smart Translator is the application of computer which can translate English-speaking document to language indonesia conversely high-speedly.Smart Translator translates document from various areas ( Economics, Technique, Law, Medical, Culture, Military, dsb) with level of high accuration.Smart Translator easy to be applied, because appearance and way of usage is designed [by] equal to other application program, with facility basis for document processing, like Open, Save, Edits, Print, Cut&Paste, Find&replace, pl p2 etc.Smart Translator has printing facility ( Print ) document directly.Smart Translator can translate document in the form of direct MS Word Secara without changing origin format.Smart Translator equiped with technology ” text to speech” which enables to read document of you either Indonesian and also English directly.

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